Lok enkelbye na jou tuin met ‘n byehotel

Baie van ons is al bewus van die noodsaak om die Suid-Afrikaanse byekolonies, ook bekend as die sosiale by, se voorbestaan te verseker.

Maar daar is ook die enkelby waarvan min mense weet.

‘n Byehotel vir enkelbye

Nou het die Baaienaar en byevrou, Lizal van den Heever, dit haar roeping gemaak om ook dié bye van uitwissing te help red. Sy verduidelik aan Mariska Spoormaker die verskil tussen die sosiale by en die enkelby.



Solitary bees are likely the most important pollinators in South Africa, both economically as pollinators of crops and ecologically as pollinators in our veld. The majority of bees in South Africa are solitary bees. They are referred to as being solitary because the female bees build and inhabit their nests alone.27 May 2020. Renosterveld Pollinators: The Secret Life of Solitary Bees and …

Verskillende soorte enkelbye in SA

There are estimated to be 20 000 to 25 000 bee species worldwide, with over 1000 bee species in South Africa. Only a very few of these are social bees, including the honey bee, and most are solitary bees. Although there are some species of solitary bees that nest gregariously, that is in colonies, even then each female solitary bee independently constructs her own nest.

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