Hoe beland Sahara-sand op sneeu in Europa?
Hoe kan ‘n sandstorm in die Sahara-woestyn ‘n stoflaag op die wit sneeu in Europa veroorsaak?
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🏜 Así ha transformado el paisaje el polvo sahariano en las Maladetas pic.twitter.com/LuQBGQa9mS
— Benasque 🏔️ (@Benasque_) March 15, 2022
Kyk na die foto’s van dié interessante fenomeen:

Sand van die Sahara op die sneeu in die Franse Pireneë. These incredible images show dust from the Sahara Desert settled on the French Pyrenees. Borja Delgado captured the rare sight whilst skiing on the mountains. Storm Celia initially brought the dust to Southern Spain, where people were advised to wear masks and avoid being outside for long periods.
The phenomenon also affected parts of France, Portugal and the UK – and even spread as far as Germany. When: 16 Mar 2022 Credit: Borja Delgado/Dersu.uz/Cover Images.

Koperkleurige sneeu bedek met Saharasand. Snow in a ski resort in Southern France turned orange thanks to the dust.