Uitheemse indringer verdring weiveld in Noordwes en Noord-Kaap

Latin Globemallow

Die Latin globemallow, ‘n plant afkomstig vanaf Suid-Amerika, is vroeër vanjaar as ‘n nuwe indringerplant geïndentifiseer. Weiveld in Noordwes en die Noord-Kaap is die slagoffer van dié uitheemse indringer. Onkruidwetenskaplike prof. Charlie Reinhardt het al die inligting.

Ons luister weer na ‘n gesprek met Dwayne Kaschula van Maclear in die Oos-Kaap, wat vanjaar aangewys is as die Toyota SA/Agri SA Jongboer van die Jaar.

Latin globemallow
Latin globemallow is characterized by its sturdy, upright growth habit, reaching a height conducive to the open grassland it inhabits. Its gray-green, lobed leaves are covered in fine hairs, a common adaptation for water conservation. Vibrant orange-pink flowers bloom atop long stems, intended to attract pollinators despite the surrounding aridity. This resiliency allows latin globemallow to thrive in challenging conditions where other plants may falter.

Scientific classification
Latin globemallow (Sphaeralcea bonariensis)
Genus Globe mallows
Family Mallow
Order Mallows, rock-roses, and allies
Class Dicotyledons
Phylum Vascular plants