Wat is ‘n sonwind?

Deursnit van die son

Het jy al gewonder wat die mense in die Internasionale Ruimtestasie doen as hulle kleedkamer toe wil gaan? Die span praat oor ‘n nuwe toilet wat op pad is na die ruimtestasie.

Kobus Olckers verduidelik wat bedoel word as hy praat van ‘n sonwind.

For the first time, using NASA’s Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory, or STEREO, scientists have imaged the edge of the sun and described that transition – from which the solar wind blows. Defining the details of this boundary helps us learn more about our solar neighborhood, which is bathed throughout by solar material – a space environment that we must understand to safely explore beyond our planet. A paper on the findings was published in The Astrophysical Journal on Sept. 1, 2016.

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Lafras Smit vertel watter sterre en planete in Oktober in die hemelruim te sien is, en wat bedoel word met Mars is in opposisie.